Rice Offers Free Math Activities During COVID–19

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The Rice University School Mathematics Project (RUSMP) has been responding to the critical needs of parents and teachers during the COVID–19 crisis. Resources for high-quality mathematics activities that are educational and fun with connections to the disciplines are especially needed with children at home and not in the classroom.

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The RUSMP website (https://rusmp.rice.edu/resources) is an ideal source for parents and teachers. There is a plethora of preK–12 mathematics and computer science activities, games and explorations for tablets, computers and smartphones that parents and educators can access to jumpstart the interest of children.

The curriculum link will direct users to learning modules on geometry (grades 4 and up), measurement (grades 3–5) and personal financial literacy (K–8). The RUSMP on Symbaloo link includes helpful websites, web tools, IOS math apps, math games and coding resources for elementary and secondary students. Scroll down this page and explore various math Symbaloo links, some of which feature books that can be found on YouTube and read aloud. The Desmos Activities link contains critical thinking activities, as does RUSMP’s coding resources. The Visual Arts Integration link provides activities that explore mathematics within famous masterpieces.

For parents of children in grades preK–2, visit https://robinanneward.wixsite.com/mathgoggles and download free, colorful mathematics activities that use the visual arts as a lens for learning mathematics. All you need is some paper and crayons.

A favorite resource of RUSMP is the Topmarks website at https://www.topmarks.co.uk, which contains a variety of mathematical activities for ages preK and up.
Our entire team is providing ideas to parents and teachers in the Greater Houston community and beyond and is always ready to help.

— Anne Papakonstantinou, Carolyn White and Robin Ward
Rice University School Mathematics Project


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