STEM Conference Inspires Local Educators

Lesson Sessions

Since 1987, the Rice University School Mathematics Project (RUSMP) has organized fall and spring networking conferences, bringing together teachers and district administrators for stimulating conversations and learning sessions. The spring conference was held at the Rice School/La Escuela Rice Feb. 8.

Lesson Sessions
Lesson Sessions: Local teachers network and learn about STEM activities that they can take back to their classrooms.

Adem Ekmekci, RUSMP director of research began the conference with a powerful keynote speech, “Critical Issues in STEM Education: Research on Effective STEM Teachers and Teaching.” A big take-away from Ekmekci’s research was that teachers matter most in a student’s education.

After the keynote address, attendees participated in sessions showcasing exemplary STEM lessons and activities. National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Fellows (Grant No. 1556006) assisted with the conference, and Stacy Jaster, a Noyce Fellow, led one of the sessions. Bellaire High School presented their award-winning app, Fresh Hub.

Carolyn White, RUSMP director of mathematics programs, said, “The Networking Conference carefully outlined for teachers and leaders the critical issues facing STEM education, and teacher leaders and star students shared with the group stellar STEM activities.”

Imagine Learning generously underwrote breakfast for the conference.

For information about RUSMP educational opportunities for educators and students, go to RUSMP’s website at

— Anne Papakonstantinou
Rice University School Mathematics Project


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